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It may be the last week of the 111 Things in 1/11 challenge at Words on Wendhurst, but my purging journey has not come to an end just yet. There’s still more stuff in the basement to tackle, and this summer brings my self-imposed deadline for fitting back into my pre-pregnancy clothes. So if it doesn’t fit and don’t love it, this summer I toss it. Plus, I still need to go through my craft things and get rid of the scrapbooking things I haven’t used in years.

Getting rid of things this month has been so freeing, and I’ve been inspired to keep up my purging ways.

This week was my best purging week ever! Here’s what I got rid of, minus the baby and his toys:

That giant pile includes:

  • 3 worn out camis
  • 1 purse with a broken bottom (I loved that purse!)
  • 1 drink cozy
  • 2 hangers, 1 wire, 1 broken
  • 1 completed Bible Study workbook
  • 1 never used camera case
  • 4 never-played computer games
  • 6 pillow cases
  • 3 fitted sheets
  • 2 flat sheets
  • 1 male dress shirt
  • 1 t-shirt
  • 1 dress that just isn’t flattering
  • 2 pairs of pants
  • 2 sweaters
  • 1 womens dress shirt
  • 1 skirt
  • 9 assorted baby things I don’t think I’ll use again

Plus, the Hubby cleaned some in the basement, and filled a big box full of junk:

I’m not totally sure what all’s in here, but I know there are at least two pairs of shoes, lots of old plastic pots, and a nasty old roll of duct tape.

Anyway, not counting Hubby’s stuff, I got rid of 42 things this week! My total for the month? 137 things are on their way out of my house!

As promised, this past week I tackled the baby clothes as part of the 111 Things in 1/11 challenge at Words on Wendhurst. It was harder than I thought and I honestly didn’t get rid of too much. Here’s what I did manage to clear out though:

That’s two baby blankets, three pairs of baby mittens (we NEVER used these), a SwaddleMe, and a random assortment of clothes, for a total of 20 baby things.

I also got rid of a puzzle, a shirt and another bra that failed it’s trial period. In the basement, I went through my non-matching socks, and found three matches(!!), and 6 socks without matches. I also threw out 3 random, gross t-shirts. Hopefully the Hubs won’t find them in the trash and attempt to rescue them.

In an attempt to pare down my dishtowels, since all of the ones I own don’t fit in their designated drawer, I got rid of three dishtowels. I also threw out one gross potholder and replaced it with a new potholder I’d been storing in the dishtowel drawer.

That’s a total of 34 for things for this week! That brings my total towards the challenge to 95. I hope to tackle the desk this coming week, and I’m sure I can find at least 16 things to get rid of there – I can almost taste the success!

This week, I focused my clearing and organizing efforts on the kitchen. We don’t have a lot of upper cabinet space, so I wanted to focus on the cabinets I have, trying to clear space for sippy cups and plastic baby plates. I started with this lovely cabinet above my stove:

Not horrible, but there was a lot of stuff shoved in the back of the cabinet, things I’ve never used, and some things that I didn’t know I had in there!

These were the things I either never use, have expired, or I had doubles of. All in all, that’s 10 things from that cabinet, and it now looks like this:

Much, much better!

Next, I tackled some of my cups and glasses, and got rid of:

two more water bottles, two coffee mugs, two small wine glasses (we already have a set of four that’s rarely used) and two random glasses.

I also tackled my Tupperware and junk drawers; the junk drawer still doesn’t look fantastic, but the Tupperware drawer looks like this:

Look! Free space!

Between the two drawers, I got rid of:

two drink cozies, Better Homes and Gardens cook “book”, three plastic containers, coffee mug, roll of horrible tape, plastic jar, and some kind of duster thing that’s out of refills (and I won’t buy more, so out it goes).

Plus, I got rid of one random shirt that fit in college, then I lost weight and it didn’t fit. But then I had a baby, thought the shirt would fit again, but it never really did. So to Goodwill it goes!

And that brings my grand total of things I’ve said goodbye to this week to 29. With the 32 things I got rid of last week, I’ve now purged 61 things towards my goal of 111 in the 111 Things in 1/11 challenge at Words on Wendhurst.

Next week? I think I’m going to tackle the baby clothes. I want to organize the desk, but honestly, I’m too scared.

This week, I got rid of 32 things, including: 2 pairs of shoes, 2 water bottles, 4 t-shirts, and a variety of socks, bras and underwear as part of the 111 Things in 1/11 challenge at Words on Wendhurst.

I almost NEVER wear either pair of shoes, though one is particularly cute, so there’s no sense in keeping them. I’m trying to decide if I want to send them to Goodwill, or try to consign them at the spring kid’s consignment sale (I have baby feet, so both pairs are actually kid’s shoes).

I threw out the two water bottles, a Navy water bottle and a Nalgene. Mostly, they’ve just rolled around on my car floor for 6+ months, and I figured they were too gross to give to anyone. Plus, I have three other water bottles I consistently use, so I didn’t need these two.

Most of the t-shirts, bras, underwear and socks will go in the trash, but a few socks will go to Goodwill. Mostly, the things I’m getting rid here aren’t in good shape, so there’s no point in sending them along to Goodwill. Plus, is someone really going to want to wear my old underwear? I think not.

I also threw away some random expired coupons, old receipts and papers, which I’m not counting. If it’s truly trash,  it’s out the door. Oh! And an extra bonus? Going through my undie drawer got me some free plastic bags! When my undergarments stopped fitting well while I was pregnant, I bagged them up to make room for my big girl undies. Now that I can wear my old things again, I have 8 more ziploc baggies than I did before!

So, here’s my little pile for the week, not counting the water bottles, which have already gone on to a better place.

Dear “Vonnegut With This?” shirt, I will miss you.

Next week, my goal is to work on my kitchen cabinets and go through the clothes Colton can no longer wear and get rid of the things I don’t really, really like. Oh yeah, and at some point I’ll need to tackle this:

Holy crap Batman!

Just a 20-something girl living on the East Coast, trying to figure out life. I'm a wife and mom to two. I'm trying to rediscover my love for long walks, yoga and pilates. But not hiking. I still don't like hills. I was raised at the beach, but I don't like the beach. I like to look at it, but I don't like to swim in it, I'd prefer a pool, thanks. I'm just trying to become the best person I can be -- the woman God wants me to be. That's easier said than done!

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Hubby is my all-time favorite guy. A perfect mix of serious, sarcastic, laid-back, handy and nerdy, he is the perfect complement to me. I love his strong work-ethic and the way he always loves and supports me through everything. Some of Hubby's favorite things include: hiking, Virginia Tech football, woodworking, and his family. When I married him in July 2007, I had no idea what an amazing journey we were headed on, and how I could come to love him so much more each day.

Our oldest, Colton, is three years old. He is equal parts sassy and hysterical. He loves all things train, car, bus, truck, and machine related. He has a penchant for made-up words and loves to be the clown of his pre-school class. Our younger son, Nathan, was born this May. He is pure joy and full of smiles! He is such a blessing and a perfect fit for our family.