I’m just a 20-something, wife, puppy-parent, and mom-to-be who tries to keep everything together, organized, and look (somewhat) stylish doing it. I also have a deep and passionate love for pure, unadulterated chocolate.  I am a follower of Jesus and strive to grow closer to him and to seek His will for my life. I’m also the Administrative Assistant to our church’s Youth Pastor(s). It’s a fancy way of saying I’m a secretary! For more info about me, check out these posts here and here.

What will you find here? Mostly you’ll read about daily happenings as I try to figure out what exactly is involved in being a wife and mother-to -be. Thursdays are devoted to Lost, and you’ll read about decorating our home as I strive to make it a comfortable, inviting place that reflects both mine and hubby’s personalities in the decore. I also occasionally post reviews of books I’ve read recently, and will now post each Friday about our baby’s growth and my pregnancy.