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When a giant spring snowstorm derailed our day’s plans, I decided C and I needed a fun, easy to pull together activity.

Since we had just been to an Easter egg hung, we had plenty of eggs, and I remembered the Easter egg lunch I’ve seen everywhere on Pinterest.

I put my own spin on it, serving it in a muffin tin (I didn’t have an egg carton) with the eggs closed. Closing the eggs meant he had to guess what was in each one and since I told him the rule of his Easter Bunny lunch was that he had to eat what was in whatever egg he opened before he got a new one, it meant he ate everything in each egg.


Our eggs were filled with cheese, carrots, crackers, strawberries, letter cookies, ham, tortilla and one egg had a piece of candy. He ate everything in the dozen eggs I prepared for him, and then fixed six more at his request.

I plan to do this again on a regular basis, not just at Easter time. It was a fun way to connect at lunch time (he needed help opening each egg and I prompted him to guess what was in each one), and I felt like he ate much better than he normally does for me. I think, if I planned this better, he would eat with a much better variety than he normally does.

This year was my very first “official” Mother’s Day, which means it was the first Mother’s Day I carried a baby around outside my body. Last Mother’s Day, I looked something like this:

At any rate, I wasn’t expecting much for the day, mostly because my Mother’s Day present (a cover for my e-reader) had already arrived and was in use, and because, growing up, my family was never one to make a big deal over Mother’s Day. The general reasoning behind that was, I suppose, the fact that we were expected to help, appreciate, and respect our mother all year round. I’m sure it had nothing to do with me burning the pancake pan in an attempt to make my parents breakfast in bed when I was ten.

Me, Mom, and Colton

Me, Mom and Colton

Not to mention the fact that my parents were here to celebrate my dad’s birthday, my birthday, and Mother’s Day. So, even though we had cake, it was leftover birthday cake. And frankly, that suits me just fine.

This is what I looked like this Mother's Day. Substantially better, I think.

My mom may have gotten the shortest end of the Mother’s Day stick this year, as she baked the birthday cake, babysat overnight, cleaned my house (yes, I love my mom!), and then had to drive five hours to her in-laws. Colton gave her some baby-love too, so I’m hoping that made up for it.

The best part of Mother’s Day was Colton’s baby dedication. This is held every Mother’s Day at our church, and all of the participating babies and parents walk across the stage, talk to our Pastor and Children’s Pastor, receive a Children’s Bible, and then are all prayed for.

Checking out his new Bible.

My whole goal for this time was to keep the baby happy, and, since the baby is in to standing up and cruising, that meant letting him get down during the prayer.

Check me out!

Woah! A little help here!

Okay, I'm done now. Let's go!

Merry Christmas from all of us at Longbrake Living! We hope you’re enjoying the day with your family (Colton wishes you lots of wrapping paper to play with). We’ll be gone for a bit, enjoying time with friends and family, but we’ll be back soon. And now, off to kick off this time with a game of Lego Creationary!

We really, really enjoyed our three day weekend!

Friday night, we drove up to Blacksburg to have dinner with Hubby’s friends from college and their 5 year old and 1 year old. I’ve known their oldest since she was a baby (she was born shortly before Hubby and I started dating), and neither Hubby nor I had seen the 1 year old before, so it was really great to see them. Plus, we got to take Colton to a little shop where he tried on VT hats.

No, I no longer take pictures of myself (unless it’s my arm). My kid is a whole lot better looking than I am. Sorry.

We kicked the three-day weekend off right with a little sleeping in (me), and some waffle making (Hubby and Colton). Can you go wrong with a few extra hours of sleep and some whole wheat waffles?

Check out my cooking fiend’s newest kitchen report!

We spent the rest of Saturday relaxing: sewing, reading, movie watching, BBQ eating, and baby bathing. The baby got a new hairstyle, thanks to his lotion. Can you see his baby spikes?

Eh, they kind of just look like fluff, but I promise it’s spiky!

Sunday we did more relaxing, eating some seriously tasty Greek-style pitas on the deck for dinner. But Monday took the cake! We took Colton to a local farm team’s final game with some friends of ours who were bringing their daughter to her first game. It was fun, even if it was hot and I didn’t really pay attention to the game. And the babies had fun!

Look at the babies! Not my stomach. Or my hips. Or my thighs. You can look at my ankles though, they look pretty good!

It was “Dollar Monday,” where admission, hot dogs and drinks were all $1. So not only was it fun, it was a pretty inexpensive way to spend Labor Day. Incidentally, this is about the only time I’ll eat a hot dog, but man was it tasty!

Hope you all had a great Labor Day weekend!

Just a 20-something girl living on the East Coast, trying to figure out life. I'm a wife and mom to two. I'm trying to rediscover my love for long walks, yoga and pilates. But not hiking. I still don't like hills. I was raised at the beach, but I don't like the beach. I like to look at it, but I don't like to swim in it, I'd prefer a pool, thanks. I'm just trying to become the best person I can be -- the woman God wants me to be. That's easier said than done!

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Hubby is my all-time favorite guy. A perfect mix of serious, sarcastic, laid-back, handy and nerdy, he is the perfect complement to me. I love his strong work-ethic and the way he always loves and supports me through everything. Some of Hubby's favorite things include: hiking, Virginia Tech football, woodworking, and his family. When I married him in July 2007, I had no idea what an amazing journey we were headed on, and how I could come to love him so much more each day.

Our oldest, Colton, is three years old. He is equal parts sassy and hysterical. He loves all things train, car, bus, truck, and machine related. He has a penchant for made-up words and loves to be the clown of his pre-school class. Our younger son, Nathan, was born this May. He is pure joy and full of smiles! He is such a blessing and a perfect fit for our family.