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We’ve just waded through the two biggest months for weddings, which means we just completed the two months in which you’d most likely to purchase a wedding present, which makes this post a little late to the party, but better late than never!

For one of my best friend’s wedding, I wanted to select a gift that wasn’t from her registry and was personal. She did this for me, and I love what she selected for me. (No offense to registry gifts, they are totally fabulous, but in this case, I wanted something different.)

I saw a design from etsy seller lala Design Studio on pinterest, and was immediately reminded of a necklace my friend wore throughout college. After consulting with our mutual friend (and fellow bridesmaid), I selected the two lovers custom necklace.

Gorgeous, no?

I am super, super impressed with this piece. I opened the box to check it out before I wrapped it and have decided I need one for myself. And, there are lots of great occasions to give a gift like this: Valentine’s Day, an anniversary, to a newly engaged friend, etc. My personal favorite part of this gift is that it’s small. My friend is still in law school, and her now-husband has been telling her they won’t be able to take all their wedding gifts back to school with them. Since this is so small, it’s definitely going to school with them!

I found a dress! Already hanging in my closet! And I bought it while I was in college for $11 (or was it $8?)!

Not the best picture of Hubby, but the one that best shows what I look like in the dress.

Colton has decided he likes to hold onto his bottles when he eats. It’s pretty adorable.

Speaking of adorable, Colton managed to somehow sleep through just about the entire first half of the Clemson game. How it was possible, especially since we sat very close to the Georgia Tech band, is beyond me.

He did, however, manage to stay awake for the 25 most exciting seconds in college football – when the Tigers run down the hill!

The hubs surprised me, happily wearing Colton for the lead-up to the game, and throughout the first half. When we registered for the Bjorn, Hubby said he’d wear it, but I thought it would only be for hiking trips. I never would have imagined he would wear it in such a large, public venue!

Colton had a great time with my dad after the game, celebrating a well-deserved Tiger victory. And they both had Clemson hats on!

My brother finally got to meet Colton this weekend! We thought they’d be able to meet sooner, but my brother was unable to get off of work when we were able to come down to South Carolina. But, the nice part about seeing him so much later is that we’ve started to discover how alike Colton and my brother are personality-wise, so it was even more fun to have them together than it would have been if we had managed to get together earlier.

Really, the whole day couldn’t have been more perfect – from our parking spot, our tailgating food, seeing family, a shady spot in the stadium, the wonderfully nice people sitting around us, seeing Colton decked out in his Clemson gear, and a Clemson win – I can’t think of a single thing that would have made the day better.

But back to the wedding! It was held at a beautiful little chapel in a private community on the side of a mountain. The view was gorgeous!

Colton saw the bride process in, and sometime before she was given away, he left to have his diaper changed, never to return. The hubs said he started making unhappy noises while he was changing him, so he was afraid to bring him back in. Plus, Hubby enjoyed having a mini hiking experience with his son.

But the best part for Colton? Sleeping in a giant bed during his very first hotel stay. But, not to worry, he slept in his crib most of the time; when I took this, we had to pack up his bed so we were ready for check-out, but Colton wasn’t ready for his nap to end.

So my great friends Beth and Elliott have been married for just over a month, and they just back their professional wedding photos! They’re such a cute couple and I loved their photos so much, I just had to share some of my favorites with you!


Our bouquets and fabulously colored shoes!

I look a tad bit crazed, but I just love this picture!


The entire Bridal Party.


This is my favorite of all their photos! Too cute!

And the groom’s favorite. :o) I loved all the plays on their well-over a foot high difference!

Here’s a quick peek at a few things that went on this weekend, and a few things from earlier in the week as well.


Wednesday, I went with my friend to pick up her wedding dress!! Check out the detail on the side of her dress — isn’t it beautiful? And the dress bustles asymetically, a twist on this classic dress that is so, so her. Seriously, her soon to be Hubby is going to be blown away when when those doors open.

Sunday afternoon, I went to an around the clock bridal shower in her honor. Check out the hand-piped cake a local baker made:


After much debate, I decided to get my friend three things for my 6 am time: a devotion book (The Power of a Praying Wife), a four-pack Starbuck’s Mocha Frappachinos, and a (conservative) nightie from Victoria’s Secret. Oh, her face when she opened the Victoria’s Secret box was PRICELESS! I knew she would be embaressed, but I had to get it for her. I knew she never would get something like that for herself, and as her friend, I couldn’t let her get married without something pretty!


We played Bridal Bingo several times, which was a lot of fun. We also had to guess what we thought Beth would get as gifts for the different times of the day, and a prize was given to those who were had the most right (or partially right). I won, but only got three correct (and one of those was my gift!). It was a hard game, but hey, I won something so I guess I can’t complain.

I can’t wait until August 8th!

Ya’ll, I am soooo excited! One of my very good friends called today and asked me to be a bridesmaid in her August wedding! Yaaay! She was in my wedding, along with another of our mutual good friends. When mutual good friend and I found out our friend was engaged, we e-mailed each other and said “wouldn’t it be soo cool to be in her wedding?” And now we are! My very first time as a bridesmaid!!

Funny story about my friend and her hubby to be. When they first started dating, my friend was very nervous about this new relationship. We had gone to a super bowl party with a group of people, and she wanted to stay after and watch Grey’s. She didn’t want to be left alone with her brand new boyfriend, so during the game, she mouthed to me that she’d like for me to stay. So I did. Her boyfriend spent most of the night trying to convince her to sit closer to him and let him put her arm around her. So cute!

Just a 20-something girl living on the East Coast, trying to figure out life. I'm a wife and mom to two. I'm trying to rediscover my love for long walks, yoga and pilates. But not hiking. I still don't like hills. I was raised at the beach, but I don't like the beach. I like to look at it, but I don't like to swim in it, I'd prefer a pool, thanks. I'm just trying to become the best person I can be -- the woman God wants me to be. That's easier said than done!

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Hubby is my all-time favorite guy. A perfect mix of serious, sarcastic, laid-back, handy and nerdy, he is the perfect complement to me. I love his strong work-ethic and the way he always loves and supports me through everything. Some of Hubby's favorite things include: hiking, Virginia Tech football, woodworking, and his family. When I married him in July 2007, I had no idea what an amazing journey we were headed on, and how I could come to love him so much more each day.

Our oldest, Colton, is three years old. He is equal parts sassy and hysterical. He loves all things train, car, bus, truck, and machine related. He has a penchant for made-up words and loves to be the clown of his pre-school class. Our younger son, Nathan, was born this May. He is pure joy and full of smiles! He is such a blessing and a perfect fit for our family.