10719_1214862979370_1462680994_592965_1197543_nWith our friends’ new baby — not quite two days old.

* Work has been going well with my new boss — I really like him, and I think we will work well together. He seems to be together and organized, and I’m all about organization, so I think that will be a good match.

* I will be working longer hours on Wednesdays (8:30 to 8), but I get a lunch and dinner break in there, which is nice. Also, today my boss brought me a diet coke and chicken biscuit and declared that Thursday will be our biscuit day! Work late and get a biscuit works for me!

* I bought a new hair dryer last week and I’m LOVING what it’s doing for my hair. I cannot BELIEVE I’ve gone 10 years without purchasing a new hair dryer! My new one has a diffuser, and I am loving the curls it gives me! Now all I need is a haircut…

* Check out this AWESOME love story. I read it this morning, and seriously have no words.